Step by Step Guide to Running Instagram Stories Ads – Tech Unlocker

Source: Pixabay

Instagram Stories is growing in popularity. Out of  Instagram’s 1 billion active users,  500 million use Instagram Stories daily. In fact, a third of the most viewed stories are from businesses.

In this post we’ll see how to run Instagram Stories ads whether you’re a fashion designer, cafe owner or dropshipper, so you can use it to promote your brand, goods or services. Many peoples are looking for free followers on Instagram.

Why Instagram, you ask? It is the fastest-growing social network, just behind Facebook with 2.7 billion users, and Youtube. Also, you can cross-promote your Instagram ads on Facebook. These make IG a great place to run ads on.


What Is Instagram Stories?

Instagram Stories allows users to tell their stories using text, images and video content in a slide show format. With it, you can also create polls, announce product launch, direct traffic to your website, and much more.

It is published separately from the regular news feed. Videos run for 15 seconds and images run for 5 seconds. Stories last for just 24 hours and can help you create meaningful relationships with your viewers and potential customers.

You also have the option of adding emoticons, drawings, and text to your ads. Filters and AR( Augmented Reality) stickers are also available to make your Stories creative and engaging.


How to Set Up and Run Your First Instagram

Stories Ads

Step 1:      Visit Instagram Business and clicking on Create Ad or navigate to Facebook Ads Manager.


Step 2:      Name Your Campaign

Name your campaign and target the people you want to reach. For example, a specific location, gender, age-range, etc.

Step 3:      After selecting your objectives, move to the ad set section. Here fill out traffic, dynamic creative, offer, and audience information as desired.


All fields are ticked by default. Decide your own preferences and untick as desired.

Remember to ensure that your images are square or 1:1 e.g. 1080×1080 pixels, and that your videos are vertical with a 4:5 aspect ratio.

Step 4:      Then decide your BUDGET

Pay close attention to the figures you type in so as not to mistakenly overshoot your budget.

The box below will display to your right-hand side giving you an estimate of potential reach, and link clicks.

Step 5:      Move on to the AD section and select as desired

Here you can upload media, whether image or video. You can also add links to a landing page, for instance.

Step 6:      Decide which LANGUAGES you want your ad to run in. Multilingual ads have the benefit of reaching non-English speaking people.

Step 7:     Next is PAYMENT. At this stage, you’ll be prompted to enter payment information and make payment.

There are different geo-specific payment methods, so select as appropriate.

Click through to complete payment.

5 Key Things to Consider When Running Instagram Stories Ads

Capture viewer attention quickly. That’s what makes a successful advertisement. If you are running Stories ad for a restaurant, select images or videos that will make your viewers salivate, and long for a bite.

Now, you have their attention, go straight to the point. Photo ads only last for 5 seconds, video ads for 15 seconds. Once viewed, it can’t be returned to at a later time, therefore ensure your message is clear in the first few seconds so that they can take action.

  1. Create Strong Call-to-Action

Is your goal to drive conversation, conversions, generate leads, app installs, etc?  Create a strong call-to-action that tells users exactly what to do. Powerful ads combine a good intro, hook, and call-to-action or outro to deliver results.

Ensure your brand logo is prominently displayed in your Instagram Stories ad. You can also include your brand name, colors, motto, etc to drive connection and recall.

For increased visibility use hashtags and locations. Hashtags make your content visible to users including those not following you. To get the most out of this, research hashtags used by competitors.

Locations allow your content to appear on users general search page. It will also make your story visible to those who do a location search.


Instagram Stories ads can help you tell your brand story in creative ways

that allows your followers to know more about you plus make purchases.

With over 500 million users viewing Instagram stories daily, it’s a great

place to spend those marketing dollars, and with this guide you should be

able to get yours up and running ASAP.

Author Bio

Amos Onwukwe is an AWAI trained Business and Ecommerce Copywriter featured in Huffington Post, Dumb Little Man, Self Growth, Ecommerce Nation, eCommerce Insights, Understanding Ecommerce, Results First, Small Biz Club, among others.
