How to Choose The Right PPC Marketing Agency For Your Brand? – Tech Unlocker

While everyone relates PPC with pay-per-click, this advertising model is not limited to clicks alone. It includes many KPIs, such as impressions, click-through rates, quality score, and many more.

If you are not well versed with all the technical terms, your ad campaign will turn out to be a complete failure. That is why a PPC ad agency is of utmost importance if you want to attract the right customers.

With so many advertising agencies rolling out their offers now and then, finding a qualifying marketing agency might seem daunting.

Plus, the ever-evolving nature of this field makes it even more challenging to choose the right resource. To make it a little less intimidating for you, we have enlisted some of the questions that you must ask yourself or to the ad agency before saying “Yes” to their sales pitch.

What Goals do You Wish to Achieve?

If you decide to outsource your paid ad campaigns to an ad agency, the first thing you should do is to create a clear checklist of all the things you wish to achieve.

While the most common reason is to drive sales, many companies look for agencies to launch a new product/service, or to create brand awareness. You can further negotiate on the final or optimum budget by considering ROAS and ACOS for your online paid ads.

Once your objectives are clear, you can move further to communicating the goals and objectives and budget that you can allocate for running PPC ad campaigns.

What Type of Pricing Structure Suits Your Preferences?

To cater to a wide range of businesses, PPC ad agencies often come up with different pricing structures. Once you settle on the goals, you can dig into the pricing framework that will suit your needs.

For instance, you can choose from the following options:

  • Performance-based Pricing
  • Percentage of Monthly Ad Spend
  • A Fixed Monthly Pricing
  • Customized Pricing Structure

You can choose the plan that suits your company goals and objectives. But make sure to talk thoroughly about every plan in detail before confirming the order.

What is Their Level of Expertise?

Many digital marketing agencies project themselves as PPC experts. However, that’s not the case always. Many agencies dupe clients when they have no experience in this area of expertise.

Certain agencies work well with specific industries, while others offer the best results in one particular area, i.e., B2B or B2C. Some have a thorough knowledge to run successful Facebook Ads, while others give good results with Google Ads.

So, before signing a contract with any PPC management company, you must refer to the age of their site, reviews/testimonials, and what features they offer.

Are They Certified?

Although a certification or license does not always mean “the best.” But getting a certification shows that the company is upping their game to be the best.

Remember, you need to use every available option to find the best PPC marketing agency. So, having certifications from Google or Facebook will help you filter agencies that have the right skills and expertise as per your needs.


With brands working out ways to increase their online presence, there is fierce competition in the online advertising industry. So, to find the best PPC ad agencies, you must take a note of different factors, such as their level of expertise, customer service support, and work ethics to achieve the best results.

Additionally, look for their cost-effectiveness, terms and conditions, and their PPC account management skills. And watch out for the offers in case your business is not well prepared to make use of directed traffic.

All in all, keeping a realistic expectation is the key to choosing the right PPC ad agency for your brand.