Must-do E-commerce Marketing Strategies – Tech Unlocker

Making marketing strategies seem to be not a big deal as everybody knows about social media networks, search engines, email marketing and ecommerce. However, it may seem a bit more complicated on practice as books don’t give answers how to implement these strategies to gain highest results. We think, it is the time to correct the situation and reveal how even simple ecommerce advertising strategies can work to benefit your business.

Let’s start with social media

Oh, no, we are not going to recommend making posts on a regular basis, like once a day. There is something more in it. You should work with the audiences in relevant networks. It means, if you sell fashionable clothes, you will fail with LinkedIn as it is designed for professional purposes. Instargam, in its turn, will help you to play with visibility, to make small videos describing your products, showing their functions and so on.

The strategies you can use:

implement users’ content – it will ease your workload and if buyers mark your content with your brand hashtag to show this social proof and encourage others;
create a calendar for posting – study what day is more productive for you, it means when people are more willingly react to your posts and on which ones, too.


It is not a strategy for immediate reaction, but it is one of free methods that will be especially important if you just start your business.

Mind, main idea of search optimization is expanding and you should implement keywords (SEO) not only from your area, but also from neighbouring ones. It means, if you sell fitness bracelets think about texts with weight losing, information for those who wants to start running, how breathe while morning or evening jogging and so on.

How to gain effect:

keep your content up-to-date, nobody is interested in the news of 2015. You can save them in the archive, but new facts, trends and ideas should be obligatory posted; don’t hesitate to adopt some SEO tools like SEO manager, they will help you to check your content. They will not affect performance of your business, but will indicate where the problem is.

make new pages on regular basis, they will help you to attract more traffic.